Many have had big problems of frequent crashing in the PC version of the classic Bioshock making the game unplayable and so did I, until...
MAIN TIP: In steam's application startup options prompt for the game I entered ""-nointro -dx9"",
the game running on dx10 doesn't seem to be stable and the lack of intro sequence makes for quicker entry to Rapture.
In the properties for the game's exe file, on the compatibility tab, I checked the "run as admin" box and enabled the Windows 2000 compatibility mode (the XP sp2 option works as well).
You can also edit the configuration files in the games folder to auto-apply values and changes but be careful and make a backup first. Setting files to read-only will protect changes.
Also utilise the quicksave function, as usual, the keys are configurable in the control options of the game, I have set mine to the typical f5.
I am running an Intel dual core, 64-bit, Win7 system and the combination of these actions solved my crashing woes, I hope these tips help you....
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