I would try to give Paddy Power feedback the normal way, but that's more futile than this is.
I placed a bet on a machine in one of their shops, got a slip and won. On the slip was the website address of their 'trackmybet' service. The service allows customers to check their bet's status and cash it to a card. The 'card', only found out after testing is a Paddy Power specific card, that has to be applied for and takes 3 weeks to come.
The system is broken because when a not logged-on user presses the link to cash a bet (finding it with a reference number) and has not set up 'card' details for payment the bet is still registered on Paddy Power's system as cashed.
Somebody of 'superior intellect' made the system flag the 'cashed' value whenever the button is pressed, instead of setting it to change when a payment is sent for processing.
It seems apparent that, if an official enquiry was enacted on the trackmybet.co.uk system, there would be thousands or millions of payments without payees.
Surely this is illegal and wrong. Whether it's intentional or not is, given the context of systems development, indefinable.
"Okay PP, take my hundred pounds that would feed a family for a month in the third world.. It's OK."
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