26 Lessons From Mafia 3's Sabotaged Design

Despite the fact that the game does enough to be enjoyable and engrossing, there is a long list of debatably intentional issues that provide much to learn from about quality game design and production.

1. Never allow for 'real-time' cutscenes that dont reflect the player's chosen outfit.
2. Use an advanced graphics engine, but DO NOT ensure that there are display glitches.
3. Make sure that the player can smash windows with punches.
4. DO Have a big map but DO NOT make 90% of the icons for collectibles instead of activities.
5. Have reliability in climbing mechanics.

6. Never ensure the player cannot jump freely, despite a dedicated jump button.
7. Never impose the act of saving currency, at the expense of player experience.
8. Do not allow broken 'reflection' logic, capturing at 1 frame per second, the most outstanding suggestion of sabotage.
9. Never show blatant disregard for gameplay consistency with mission objectives that make police in pursuit disappear.
10. Open world games should not have invisible walls, outside of story sections.

11. DO NOT use serious subject matter as mere set props, never providing any commentary or voice to those abhorrently victimised.
12. DO NOT represent the antagonists as helpless victims that are undeserving of their comeuppances, making the player's actions feel unjustified.
13. While making them highly structured, DO NOT display zero ambition or originality in mission design.
14. DO NOT make NPCs jump too early or towards the pathway of moving vehicles. Never make them 'do nothing'.
15. Blood effects should no longer visibly mimic the unrealistic videogame convention of quick health regeneration.

16. DO NOT design item pickup mechanics to be 'unfocused', making weapons that are under the player's nose unobtainable.
17. Concept art should be high quality if flaunted (not a show of laziness) and not used on the start screen.
18. NPCs should not show the laziness in the subtitling team by not having any subtitles.
19. Do not neglect camera mechanics for takedown animations. They were established in Manhunt.
20. Players should not be provoked to kill innocents every time a car needs to be stolen

21. Do not ommit or overtly restrict playstyle progression and skill trees
22. Limiting the choice of character clothing to templates is not better than customisation
23. Do not allow such careless characterisation so that interesting characters have multiple accents. French to Nigerian. Irish to Northern British.
24. Do not make a black' person without the details that show that the designers have actually seen 'black' people
25. Do not weight gameplay actions towards stealth killing and limit the amount of animations as much as possible.
26. Never have entertaining events only mentioned in cutscenes instead of the events being shown or played.
