Can I Leave My Phone Charging Forever?

What happens when you leave your phone charging indefinitely?

I tried, with three phones at once, whilst working at a bar. I left them for 8 days, two were switched off when I returned.

One phone was acting as a webcam, the other was playing music on Spotify.

The batteries in the two phones had died, with the charger connections still registering onscreen as charging but feeding zero energy.

The third phone was fine, switched on, warm and charging at 100%.

Neither of the two chargers that were connected to the empty phones would provide any charge to any device connected to them. A few days later, the 'dead' chargers worked again.

So, the moral of the story:
You will be fine if your phone is not doing anything when it is sitting there on charge forever. If it is 'active', however, your charger or your phone will die eventually.

I expect that liberal power consumption plus the constantly pulsing energizing of a compound that is unfit for such usage results in its progressive deterioration..
