Body Mind Change : Eerie Stuff

I just gave all my secrets away...

‘Body Mind Change’ is an experiment hosted and created by Mr David Cronenberg himself, an artist that I am a huge fan of, on a '.ca' website of the same name. It attempts to spook you with a quirky, adult and user specific audiovisual experience whilst creating an artificial intelligence code for a unique real life organism.
The experiment asks you personal questions such as: what do you want most in life? What scares you most about parenthood and how many sexual partners have you had?

Beware there is a risk of very secretive information about you being kept on record, linked for identification to your twitter and/or email – one is mandatory. This information pool could be used for market researching with, to name a few categories, great data on what attracts people visually, who they trust at sight and what scares different types of people.

I'm not sure why but my experience had a lot of driving, feet and licking of the top lip. The Pod interaction setting is dreary and gets old quickly. There are a few very good actors in the video segments that serve to add some valuable seriousness to the weirdness on display.

My Movie:
Elena had a brother who she injured in a car accident, she gets pregnant, possibly at an orgy and her brother is somehow involved. The child is called Kay who the brother injects.

This is definitely a videogame, it is interactive media with a heavy artistic focus. The user input parts are extremely well done, the pods mimicking personality expresses as you input, impressively becoming more human by discovering wit and learning to deceiving you. As you answer questions and choose from the options given, you acquire ‘Datapoints’ which are added to your profile to personalise your experience. In terms of audio, it’s the typical Cronenberg fare; long strings, distinctive sounds of place, shockers and guttural moans.

Currently, only 2 of the three parts of the exercise are available, check it out at its certainly an interesting experience.

Don’t worry, it ran on a 1.8 single core Intel with 2Gb RAM and it’ll take about an hour of your time.

Remember.. Pod wants to know you.. so does stuttering Kay.

-#-#-#-#-   -  3.7/5 worth the while
