Please Develop This Into Operating Systems + Apps

This feature is one that I haven't seen, so it is surely not standardised.

It is a swap / replace function for file interactions. Give me a bit of money please...

Currently: when a user 'copies' a file, it is taken into 'clipboard storage' and then rewritten in the new location on 'paste'. If 'cut', the original copy is deleted once the clone is complete.

So below 'copy', 'cut' and 'paste', you could have 'swap' and 'replace', blanked out when there is no valid entry in the 'clipboard'.

the process would be:
when user cuts or copies a file or folder, the extra options appear.

With 'swap':
the file in destination B is copied to A and then the original file in A is copied to B,

You could even have two options: 'swap with name' under 'swap without name'

When verification is complete, both original files are deleted, leaving only the copies.

With 'replace':
The file is copied or cut and then a file in destination B is replaced with it. Though it would be more secure to replace names (the replaced file taking the original file's name), an option to keep the original name of the file can be presented after the selecting of 'replace'.

It would be a difference.
